Past challenges

‘Travelling’ part III

Our #SolveItDickens challenge for October 2022 is the third part of ‘Travelling’: a shorthand dictation exercise from the notebooks of Dickens’s shorthand pupil, Arthur Stone, at the Free Library of Philadelphia.

The third page of a shorthand exercise titled ‘Travelling’, followed by some unrelated(?) shorthand notes. We are focusing on the top half of the page (marked by the red box).
Image © The Free Library of Philadelphia [ref: cdc5890009]

Use our ‘Resources’ to help you decipher the text and look out for repeat symbols (for example, lines 8 and 9). Remember that it is unlikely that you will be able to solve the whole text, but even one new symbol can be useful. Anyone who successfully describes a new symbol with be credited as its discoverer on our Roll of Honour. Please complete the entry form and email us your solutions by 31 October 2022. We will publish the results on 21 November 2022.

Entry forms

The entry form is available in .docx and .pdf formats for your convenience. Please let us know if you require an alternative format.